Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New literacies

I considered myself fairly well-versed on the current technologies. Well, I was wrong after reading the article on digital natives. What is modding? I couldn't tell you. But I have learned that many of the new literacites include hypertext, smartboard, e-mail, text messaging, blogs, webquests, search engines, and even those neat little blackberries! All of these new literacy technologies should remain significant to teachers because today's child uses them to read, write, and communicate (effectively). Therefore, it is important for us, as educators, to adjust our ways of teaching children. I am already training my mind to think in new technological ways as I am with this new blogging thing. Well, not knowing where to begin, I decided to send myself a blog. How thrilling! :) But since it is on a website that is open to all, I am hoping for a response. Are students continuousy waiting for a response to their blogs, waiting to be heard when sometimes their voices aren't enough? It provides an outlet for students and adults alike for learning, expressing one's self, and enjoyment. It allows us to take quiet risks without the fear of failure. Now think, if it reaches student on the enjoyment level, let's reach them through this mode and further educate them!


Leslie B. said...

Hey Sarah S.
Checking out your blog- writing my first comment- an experiment, (I love the green background.) The possiblilities for at all grades for tech literacy support is exciting! Leslie B.

KateC said...

Hey, great blog page. Very detailed and informative.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful blog. Have you notices the different appoaches to the blogs? Some folks answered each question in the initial discussion in as few words as possible, others created an artistic expression in response to the discussion questions, and others stretched their thinking by speculating on what is and what can be in the classroom.

Personally, I'm going back and forth in my life...I hope you will visit my blog to give me feedback...http://newliteraciesdiscussion.blogspot.com/