Sunday, January 28, 2007

Two points I'd like to touch upon after reading The Importance of Recognizing the Expanding Boundaries of Literacy.

1. When signing into my blog tonight, I did not know how to at first. I actually thought that simply visiting my webpage allowed me to add and edit my page. Well, I found out I had to sign in and it didn't work initially. After exploration, I was able to sign in under the newer version section. Through trial and error, I was also able to add pictures. What fun! Tara, from the article, through her internet exploration was able to create a great presentation for her class. I am glad to be doing the same as many of our students.

2. "Teachers who want to signify acceptance and valuing of their students' everyday literacy practices are best able to do so by demonstrating an understanding of the literacies that form an important part of students' lives. Lack of knowledge about IM, avatars, activeworlds, text messaging, MP3 downloads, and the like distances teachers from the students they want to reach." What a profound point! It is important to balance the literacy in school and the literacy in their everyday lives so that students value the importance of reading and contructing meaning on their own no matter where they are! Isn't that the goal of educators, to promote reading and engage students in higher levels of thinking ,so that students reach their potential? Well, technology is the new way!

1 comment:

Laurie G said...

I ran into the same difficulty when signing in to my blog. I am reminded of how I learned other technology skills -- also through trial and error. This ability to take risks and experiment is, I think, an important part of using the new literacies -- both for teacher and for students. Your comment about demonstrating an understanding of these literacies was right on the mark. I have found that when I can make connections between school literacy and their everyday lives, students become much more excited about learning. Technology opens up so many avenues to make these connections.