Monday, February 19, 2007

Internet Frustrations!

I've been on board with the use of technology as a means of communication. However, today, leaves me feeling frustrated with how much we rely on the internet. I've been having difficulties with my wireless service on my laptop. When writing a lengthy reply to a scavenger hunt, I was booted offline! This was done after four hours of technical work on my computer because it wouldn't start. I rely on this computer to communicate for class and share my knowledge and learn. Because of my computer, I've had an unproductive day! If I'd simply been working on word, I wouldn't have had these problems! In the classroom, we must be prepared for situations like I had today! I think there is still something to be said for traditional literacies: reliable and still meaningful (because of best teaching practices). Not only to we need to learn how to explore the worldwide web, but do we need to learn the technical aspects of our computers and internet to ensure success and productivity? I am sorry for all the exclaimation points, but you can imagine my frustration. Has anyone encountered any frustrations such as this in concern with our class or in the classroom?

1 comment:

Leslie B said...

I feel your pain Sarah! Last week, after prepping a lesson for two hours, I couldn't get the E-Beam projector running. Frustrating for me, as the kids looked on in boredom. In the end I had to abandon it for the day and work out the kinks with a colleague after school. When the technology works it is super, but when it doesn't, ARGGGGG!